In the recent years we have seen that conventional transitional hard drives are getting replaced with Solid state hard drives. The key difference between the transitional hard drives and the Solid state hard drive is that the former runs on magnetic tapes and the latter runs on specially designed VLSI integrated chips. SSD hard drives being purely electronic rather that the tradiotional hard drive’s mechanical nature of working is pretty advanced in the current era of high speed technological world. SSD consumes less battery when compared to traditional hard drives. The only disadvantage for solid state hard drive is its relatively high cost comapred to the other. Solid state drive has lower latency, faster read/writes, and supports more input-output operations when compared to traditional hard drives. Traditional hard drive’s are frequently affected due to fragmentation due to which defragmentation process needs to be performed quite often to retain the quality of the drive and its performance but for SSD hard drive’s no defrgmentation is required. Since solid state drives have no mechanical parts as it works on memory chips and integratied chips, the heat generated is comparatively low when compared to traditional hard drives. Unlike traditional hard drives solid state hard drives do not have rotating disks, motor etc which makes SSD much more lighter than the traditional hard drives. SSD drives use well known form of flash memory which is NAND to provide fast access to information that has been requested for. NAND is a non-volatile memory with electrical eraser and re-programming capabilities. This is a good advantage of Solid state hard drive over traditional hard drive. SSD Drives are great option with great qualities, which make it a perfect choice for businesses seeking to improve speed and efficiency of their operations